Dynamons 7
Dynamons is the best animal battle game you can play. You battle other animals and other trainers on your journey to become the best Dynamons trainer. At the beginning of the game, you choose a starting animal. On the way, you can catch wounded animals, and add them to your team. There are bosses to fight, trainers to win against and much more. Get the best Dynamons, and become the best trainer in Dynamons 7!
The gameplay of Dynamons 7
After choosing your starting animal, you are put in the world. The exclamation marks on the road show a possible fight. Here, you fight wild animals, or trainers. Your own Dynamons gain experience when they win a fight. When they level up, they unlock new attacks and other power-ups. They also evolve after some levels, into a new, more powerful Dynamon.
If you like Pokémon, you will also like this action game. Get lost in the world of Dynamons. Train your Dynamons, get the best squad together and become the best trainer! A good tip is to look at the weaknesses of your enemies. There are different types of Dynamons. Some sorts are stronger and weaker against other sorts. Find the weaknesses, and battle tactically!
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