Hearts is a super fun card game, where you will need some quick thinking and a sharp brain. It may seem like a fun and easy card game, but it is way harder than it looks. Basically, you need to not win any hearts cards, as well as the queen of spades. If you do, you will earn points. The player that has the least amount of points when another player reaches 100 points, wins. Try to win in this fun thinking game, and find the right tactic that will make you win every round.
The rules of Hearts
A full deck of cards is dealt among 4 players. So you start with 13 cards. Before the round starts, you can take 3 cards and give it to another player. But you get three cards back as well.
Every round, each player lays a card in the middle. The player with the two of clubs starts. If you have a club as well, you need to place it in the middle. The player who at the end of the round has put down the highest card of that suit, wins that round.
If you can’t put down a card of the same suit, you can choose any other card from your deck. This is where the tactic in this game comes in. In these rounds, where a player puts down a card of a suit that you don’t have, you need to put down a heart card, or the queen of spades. This way, the player who gets the highest card of that suit only wins the round. And then, they earn points, and you have gotten rid of your card.
Try to not get any hearts cards, and especially not the queen of spades. Every heart card you get is worth one point, and the queen is worth 13 points. Try to find the right tactic, and become the player with the least amount of points.
A golden rule
There is one rule that you can use to win the game instantly. If in one round, you get the maximum amount of points, so all the hearts as well as the queen, you automatically win the game. This tactic is very risky, so only try to use it if you have a lot of cards, as well as the queen. Can you finish the game with the golden rule? Find out, and have fun in Hearts!
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